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  • A seed was planted within Peter and Candace Devaney to establish the Proclaim community outreach and an empowering music concert series. Proclaim was officially established in March 2009 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.


  • Peter and Candace make it their mission to share their passion for life, gifts and talents with others no matter where they are; be it at work, sitting in their favorite coffee shop, or exercising in the park. Hope is everywhere and it is ever present wherever we go, so Peter and Candace believe in the need to spread love and good news everywhere they go.


  • Professionally, Peter is the founder and owner of Inside-Out Construction, LLC, a residential remodeling and construction company, Candace is a commercial real estate mortgage banking executive and founder and owner of Veracity Asset Services, LLC, and their daughter, London is the CEO of R3 Group, LLC, their family owned and operated commercial and residential real estate sales, leasing and investment company.


  •  Lourdes Taylor is the Marketing Director and Kay Dawson is the Project and Administrative Manager for Proclaim.


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